Operation Clean Sweep® launches revamped digital portal

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  • Operation Clean Sweep® launches revamped digital portal

With nearly 1,500 signatories, Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) has become the programme of reference for the plastics industry to prevent pellets from entering the environment.

PlasticsEurope as the main host for OCS in Europe is committed to promote and drive forward its implementation. A major milestone for the industry is the development of the OCS Europe Certification Scheme. It will be launched on 1 January 2022. The certification scheme sets common requirements for pellet loss containment, which will be assessed regularly by third party auditors. This will enable the plastics industry to demonstrate, transparently and jointly, their efforts to achieve the goal of zero pellet loss.

To further raise awareness and amplify the reach of the programme, PlasticsEurope launched today a revamped OCS website. The platform now features a clear user guide with tools (videos, posters, manuals, etc) and a new function which allows visitors to find and sort OCS signatories easily thereby transparently facilitating cooperation and monitoring. It is also set to become the future hub for the certification scheme.

Visit opcleansweep.eu

Contact: Jérémy Fouriau (PlasticsEurope)

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